3rd Real Estate Summit
Past Program

The 3rd Real Estate Summit Conference was held on May 2-4, 2002, at Istanbul Swissotel with the theme "Real Estate Sector in the Restructuring Process", jointly organized with the Finance World. The conference, supported by the Capital Markets Board (SPK), the Turkish Prime Ministry Housing Undersecretariat, and ULI, was attended by the State Minister, the Chairman of the SPK, the Housing Undersecretary, the General Director of Revenues, the General Director of National Real Estate, the Mayors of Istanbul and Şişli, the President and Vice President of ULI. As a result of the developed GYODER-ULI relations, ULI became one of the supporters of the 3rd Real Estate Summit and held a session at the summit. The 3rd Real Estate Summit, with more than 300 participants, brought together national and international representatives of the sector and once again set the agenda of the sector. It strengthened its role as a platform where new perspectives and goals regarding the development, institutionalization, and raising of standards of the real estate sector, which will dynamically guide the future of the economy in Turkey's restructuring and adaptation process to the European Union, were discussed. The Real Estate Exhibition organized as part of the summit was prepared with the aim of being the first exhibition where the idea of "Real Estate Development" was presented. The conference, which attracted attention in the media, created significant results in terms of demonstrating the impact of our association. The Real Estate Summit III Journal, prepared based on the minutes of the conference, was published in both English and Turkish and distributed to various institutions.